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you deserve to take care of you.

Our work helps smart women like you live well everyday so that you can take care of your loved ones with managed stressed, a healthy body

and a life of harmony.

Denice Pacer

Caregiver of Elderly Aunt & Elementary Teacher

"I am so thankful for the path my journey has led me to. For over three years I have had to take joint pain medication some point during the day, to help me get through the day.  I recently went to my rheumatologist appointment and was able to check either "no" or "n/a" to all the issues that I have had in the past.  I know that this has a great deal to do with the fact that I have taken advantage of my wellness for life journey." 

M. Pastore

Caregiver, Entrepreneur & Teacher 

"Before working with Wellness For Life Journey, I was overweight and my A1C was 8.3, I was filled with anxiety when eating out, going to stores and being my unique self, as I continue to work with Wellness For Life Journey, my A1C is at 6.4 and I've lost weight and no longer taking diabetes medicine.  I am able to go out with friends without feeling stressed. No beer or wine, switch carbs, I am being true to myself and wellness journey."

Holly H.

Caregiver,  HR Director, 

Community Leader 

I would say before hiring Ms. Dean as my Wellness Life Coach, I truly desired to be more internally and externally intentional and attentive from the root in every aspect of my life, but more so financially and emotionally - I just didn’t know how to get there. However, I stepped out on faith, and with the expertise, commitment, and empathy of Ms. Shavonne, I have seen tremendous results in my finances and emotions in this short period of time. I am a more fervent goal-getter because of my experience thus far with Ms. Shavonne!!! Thank You so much and I am excited to see the growth yet revealed for me on my journey!  



We Know that...

You already know that being well is just not about your
body and whether or not you release weight or gain it.

But instead, it's being able to be there for those you
love the most and having peace of mind while doing it.

We understand that...
having peace of mind requires more than just exercising and eating well, it also requires an
Awareness Of Your Soul.

Your mind. Your will. Your emotion.

We Ignite Your Emotional & Mental Awareness so that
you can live the life you want well.

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We Support & Care For You While
You Take Care of Those You Love the Most.

Life is a Journey.

You Get To Decide.

Take Massive Actions.

Baby Steps.

You Decide.

Whether your retired, entrepreneur, executive or a mom,
we know that taking care of your loved ones at times may
be an honor, but managing it ALL at times can also be
mentally and emotionally draining.

We Are Here To Teach You How To Bring It All Together So that
Your Life Is Not Balanced, But In Harmony With Your Highest Priorities

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We know...

Creating spiritual awareness is your birthright and sustains you to
live the caregiver journey with an enlightenment that fuels you for
the long haul and for whatever may come.

We teach unconditional love. Love a powerful emotion.
You get to decide.







Self Control.




We also know that caregiving
doesn't end when a transition of
your loved one's life has taken place.

The caregiving continues..

And we are here for it.

We Partner and Assist You
During and After Arrangements

Mother and Daughter


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